Hirsutism Excessive Hair Growth in Women: Causes, Treatment
Table Of Content At-home waxing Symptoms of Hirsutism Chin hair removal options Who is Prachi Nigam? All of these conditions can affect the way your body produces androgens. While PCOS causes excess facial hair, some females also experience a thinning of the hair on the head. A few random hairs on the chin and neck popping up along with peach fuzz is routine and often related to hormonal changes our body cycles through over our lifetime. Having some hair on your chin is perfectly normal and usually a cosmetic concern more than a medical one. Chin hair can be removed safely using a number of at-home and professional methods, if you choose to do so. At-home waxing Hirsutism is caused by high levels of male hormones (called androgens). It's normal for women's bodies to make androgens, and low levels don't cause excess hair growth. But when these amounts are too high, they can cause hirsutism and other things, like acne, a deep voice, and small breasts. PCOS can also ...